This is the future of hydrogen energy

Energy security

Energy security

Environmental protection

Environmental protection

Economic development

Economic development

Preserving the resources of our planet

Preserving the resources of our planet


Our technologies

We use the power of hydrogen as an alternative source of energy. It is the most common element on Earth, it is environmentally friendly and has the highest energy consumption of all known elements. Hydrogen is environmentally friendly, and the product of its combustion is only water, which is put back into circulation.

We produce hydrogen through our patented plants. These are the developments of Ukrainian engineers who are passionate about the idea of ​​renewable energy, so they are implementing research and experimental developments in the field of natural and technical sciences.

In its products, Hydroxy has synthesized the chemical properties of common elements, such as water and air.

Hydroxy creates hydrogen-containing gas—a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen— from water using electrolysis. It attacks carbon and oil deposits, flushing them out and cleaning the engine from the inside. This improves the car’s dynamics and compression, so you’ll experience improved engine power.

This is the first step towards the introduction of a hydrogen engine. It upgrades internal combustion engines running on diesel, petrol, or autogas.

Hydroxy also uses air to generate ozone, which is a strong oxidizer and cleanses the air of viruses and bacteria.

For 9 years, the Ukrainian company Hydroxy has been producing patented hydrogen generation equipment for cars. These systems can be purchased for car service stations as an additional service.

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